IBR Awarded $20.5 Million, 3-Year Single Award Win for Navy MAHRS Migration of Infrastructure into a Modernized Cloud Solution

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Rockledge, FL - Friday, Oct. 6, 2023 - Imagine Believe Realize, LLC (IBR) is pleased to announce that they were awarded as the prime contractor of the Navy Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) Manpower, Analytics, and Human Resources Systems (MAHRS) systems $20.5M modernization and migration project.

MAHRS is chartered to oversee, develop, and maintain the policy, on Total Force Manpower, Human Resources (HR) Information Technology (IT) Systems, and TF and HR Data while ensuring compliance with the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of the Navy (DON) policies for HR system and data operations, certifications, and modernizations. This effort will streamline HR tasks and resources for Naval civilians.

IBR will provide qualified, experienced, certified, subject-matter and technical expertise and management support within Information Technology, System and Data Governance, Analytics, Human Resource Information Systems, and Equal Employment Opportunity to facilitate the objectives of the Department of the Navy.

'IBR is pleased to have the opportunity to further support Navy modernization activities,' said David Chafin, IBR's Chief Executive Officer. 'We have successfully supported numerous sailor-focused DoD system modernization efforts in the past and look forward to expanding our partnership with the U.S. Navy to provide civilian-focused HR systems modernization.'

For inquiries about this contract win, please contact Jody Seigle, IBR's Chief Technology Officer at jseigle@teamibr.com.

About IBR

IBR, an emerging small business, was formed in 2007 to help government agencies and industry leaders modernize infrastructure, systems, and applications. Since then, IBR has delivered transformative software and systems engineering solutions across the federal sector, leveraging advanced technologies (cloud, artificial intelligence, automation, machine learning) to eliminate inefficient stovepipes, decrease costly physical footprints, and standardize best practices. Of note, IBR is part of the Salesforce Partner Network, brings extensive contract experience supporting transformative enterprise Salesforce implementation initiatives, and has a successful performance track record backed by 'Exceptional' Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) evaluations.

About DON

The Department of the Navy (DON) employs just under or around 230,000 civilians at more than 1,326 naval activities throughout the world. The DON's Total Force (active and reserve military, government civilians, and contractor services personnel) provides the essential expertise, administrative and technical continuity, and quality-of-life program support necessary for the DON to meet its military mission. The Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) Manpower, Analytics, and Human Resources Systems (MAHRS) Directorate works in partnership with the other ASN (M&RA) subordinate organizations such as DON's Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), OCHR and Office of Force Resiliency, the DON Total Force Human Resources community, DON Commanders and DoD key stakeholders to perform tasks and functions necessary for meeting the DON's needs in HR governance, information technology systems, and data analytics in support of new initiatives and current operations of the HR life cycle.